Friday, June 16, 2017

Facebook: Can Language Teachers Use It For Good?

This week on Google Alerts, I received an article about Facebook trying out an online learning platform. Facebook initially has posted courses related to the interests of the company, but users have noticed that they are able to upload their own courses, suggesting that the platform may branch out. The article also discussed the use and successes of other online learning platforms such as Google Classroom, iTunes U, and Udemy. I have personal experience using Google Classroom and I love it. It allows me to easily share documents, videos, assignments, etc. with my students online.
The article also quotes David S. Janzen, a professor of Computer Science at California Polytechnic State University, who teaches a Java Coding course through Udemy. He states that he has no interest in teaching a Facebook based course. His main reason is because he thinks that the social media aspect of Facebook will be too distracting. The professor says that mixing social media and the need to focus on learning seems “counterproductive”.

The distraction of social media may be the truth for for a professor of computer science, but for English language learning, social media can be so beneficial. I think it would be great to teach English language through Facebook rather than through another online learning platform. As I mentioned before, I use Google Classroom, but it is not the most socially interactive platform, it is more like a home for resources. Facebook would provide an interactive piece in which students could practice their English by communicating with each other and maybe even other businesses, celebrities, politicians, etc. The use of Facebook could also make the learning feel, and actually be, more authentic. Authenticity engages students and motivates them to work harder. And isn’t that what we (teachers) all want?

1 comment:

  1. Marisa,

    What an interesting blog! At first I shuttered a bit at the thought of using Facebook as an educational platform, especially with all the negativity it brings into the school with social media issues. However, your last paragraph reminded of something I learning while in the Dominican Republican. Our one guide stated, "Dominicans love Facebook," and, while we were there, most native people we met immediately wanted to connect with us over this social media platform. Therefore, I believe that for ESL learning, students may be able to relate and feel more comfortable using Facebook for some learning lessons.
    Thanks for sharing,
